
Below is just a sample of our monthly activities.

Book Club 
Each June, the club members present suggest and select the books for the following year.  Each month, the group reads the chosen selection and then gathers to discuss that book.  Meetings are always held on the second Thursday of the month.

Coffee Explorers 
Grab a delicious mug of coffee or tea with friends at different coffee houses around the city.

Dinner Socials 
A taste of Regina!  Held monthly at different restaurants around the city.

Grab your popcorn and check out a new movie or a 'chick flick' once a month.

Potluck Lunch 
Bring a favourite dish or try out a new recipe and join in some lunch time fun.  Members take turns hosting.

Walking Club 
An hour or so of exercise with pleasant company.

Occasional activities based on what the city has to offer.